The 5-in-1 Baserunning Drill is great for conditioning and baserunning technique. This drill is great because players can practice different runs at the same time.
This drill is best performed on the baseball field but can be set up with cones, portable bases, or other markers set out to mimic a baseball diamond. 5 players set up for this drill: 2 at home plate on either side of the batter’s box, 1 at first, 1 at second, and 1 at third. For more players, form two lines at home plate on either side of the batter’s box.
Drill Instructions
- On the coach’s mark, runners are going to take off.
- The runner at home plate on the left is going to run to first base.
- The runner at home plate on the right is going to round first base and run to second.
- The runner on first base rounds second and runs to third base.
- The runner on second base rounds third and runs to home plate.
- The runner on third base, tags up, and scores.
- The players repeat baserunning steps 1-6 on the coach’s mark until the drill is complete.
Note: When players reach home, they get back in line on the opposite side of their first run. The player that started on second base will go to the left side of home plate and the players that started on first base and third base will go to the right side of home plate.