The Rapid Feet Catcher Drill is an excellent drill for teaching catchers the best way to get out of their squatting position and into a solid throwing position. This drill is done dry, without catching or throwing a ball. With this drill, the catcher is going to be building leg muscle and speed. This drill can be performed alone or with a coach.
To perform this drill, set up 6 cones or markers in a line in front and on the side of the catcher. The catcher should be in normal catching position. When ready, the catcher is going to fake a catch, and pop up into a throwing position. The catcher should be geared for throwing to 2nd. The catcher will then jump to the 2nd marker and get back into catching position. The catcher will repeat the fake catch and pop up until they reach the end of the cones.
The catcher’s feet should be in line with their target. The legs should not be too open or closed on the pop-up. When popping up, the catcher should keep their knees flexed and not be standing too tall.