The Infield Scrimmage Drill is a great scrimmage to run with a team. The drill serves a dual purpose simultaneously allowing hitters to work on their swing mechanics and fielders to work on fielding ground balls and throwing runners out.
Divide everyone into two groups of six players on each team. The first team will take the six infield positions and the second team is going to be at bat using a tee instead of a pitched ball.
Drill Instructions
The batting team is allowed six outs before switching sides. Batters are required to hit ground balls off the tee. The only playable area is the infield.
The initial contact of the ball must be made somewhere inside the field. Fly balls or line drives are automatic outs as the outfield is out of play.
If a ground ball goes through the infield and onto the outfield, it is ruled a base hit. The batter will take first base with a single, all baserunners will advance one base.
Defensive outs add 1 point to your team’s score while defensive errors subtract 1 point. Offensive runs scored add 1 point to that team’s score.